Good old fashioned T.V.

by prcnetworks on July 3, 2007

Y’know, with Jericho barely managing to stay on the air I can’t help but notice the decline in quality TV. Who holds the blame though? The networks for following antiquated ratings methods? I mean how many of us actually *know* a family with a Nielsen box? Now I watched Jericho, religously. I made sure that if for some reason I couldn’t be there, my TV was on and tuned to CBS. Mind you at this time I didn’t realize that if I didn’t have a nielsen box my viewership didn’t count. I just wanted to do my part to keep an amazing show on the air.

I confess to doing the same with Battlestar Galactica, Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, and Heroes. Oh how little I knew. With Star Trek XI coming soon, and its obvious direction of a franchise reboot for the people who don’t know Trek. I can’t help but notice this burning hole in what I considered to be quality television. It used to be that shows like TNG, Voyager, DS9, Sliders, whatever.. They were successful. These days its all reality TV and gameshows, its almost like America has come down with A.D.D., Either that or we’re all as dumb as Paris Hilton.

Either way, I see the danger of a beloved franchise like Trek being given a so called facelift by the people responsible for films like Transformers, MI:3, and Lost. 🙁


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