
Alright. Posting.

June 28, 2011
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Moving Pictures that I enjoy.

August 25, 2009

For some reason I feel compelled to compose a list of moving pictures (both on the silver screen and my LCD TV) that I enjoy. Web: The Guild Pure Pwnage The Jace Hall Show Loading Ready Run Film Riot Totally Rad Show Project Lore TV: Castle (OMG Awesome show, nevermind the fact that Nathan is […]

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Brief Update:

February 2, 2009

So I’ve recently come up with a crazy idea for a side project, I hafta head out the door but I’ll sum it up real quick. I’m going to reactivate one at a time every MMO I’ve ever played and enjoyed (but failed to get to level cap) and level one character up to cap. […]

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January 4, 2009

So, yeah I realize I’ve been horribly out of touch lately. With the layoff, the holidays, and the PAX DVD things have been rather hectic for me. Dan: I continue to feel horrible for failing at reliable communication with you. I swear to God as soon as I get back on campus I’m buying an […]

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Amusing at best

September 18, 2008

I find it hillarious how I over analyze everything – especially things I cannot control. Its not that I’m not a patient man, I am. Unfortunately my brain just refuses to shut down. (Among various other reasons) Which in the end leaves me in the situation I find myself currently in. Constantly over thinking the […]

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You never know.

June 30, 2008

Someone said something the other day. Something about me accepting resposibility and learning from said experiences. It led me to a bit of an epiphany: Forgiveness is circular. You can say you understand that again, and again, and again but you never truly understand it until you are in the seat of the one looking […]

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In which I don’t know what to do:

June 28, 2008

Writing for me comes and goes in spurts. Usually it comes halfway through a run in the middle of the night, and passes by the time I am able to turn around and reach home. I’m sitting here in the dark with my bedroom window open, the cold air spilling in and all the sudden […]

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What can be done?

June 27, 2008

Recently I have found myself sleepless on most nights, laying in my bed unable to stop my brain from working away at the situation I now find myself in. I refuse to believe that I’m the only one who wronged others or made mistakes when I was younger. (And by young I mean my teens […]

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Random Images

June 7, 2008

I did an image dump from my rizr camera today, and found a few images rather amusing. Hover over for image text, click for larger size.

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San Fransisco – Summer 2000

June 6, 2008

Living up in the Puget Sound during the summer brings back odd memories, completely at random. Maybe it has something to do with how green and alive the area is, I’m not sure. Catch me driving down I-5 on a warm summer evening with my windows down and I’m sure to be completely detached from […]

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