So much to do..

by prcnetworks on July 28, 2007

So I haven’t been updating the blog lately, mostly due to how insanely busy the summer is turning out to be for me. With the upcoming NO LAG/BLE event this weekend, SAX the following weekend, and PAX right around the corner.. Well lets just say I’m a little busy. The NO LAG website is coming along well, I’ve still got to get a working gallery up, and I’ve been struggling with a server monitor functioning through the DSS network. Even if we don’t actually have the bandwidth available for an internet BF2 or whatever server.

Things are stagnant over at the PRC, much to my dismay. Perhaps it is because of the season, maybe its because of people being busy. Time will tell. I just haven’t had time to dedicate to the wiki with all the work I’ve been doing over at NO LAG. Maybe after the summer, I really hope so. I have a ton of ideas for the damn thing.

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