So here we are with another short section. This one even shorter then the last. I suppose I should count my blessings though, because there are certain letters where the list seems to just not stop.On an amusing note however, Assia and Midnight’s Pacific Community site was down for the last three days and just came up a few moments ago. Still no explanatory post, or even an apology though.
But enough about my table scraps, onto the C section!
Caelspar: A dream user, but unfortunately one that showed up late in the game. Cael is a great guy who never failed to let me know when I was being an idiot, or support me when he knew I was right. His greatest downfall though is that he just doesnt play enough. Something that is more the fault of the current UO environment, and less of him.
Casa: Stereo-typical ElF member. Only posted four times, made no attempt at interaction with other people or introducing herself. The posts drenched with special elvish words, characters, and plot elements that only ElF members would appreciate. They are a dime a dozen. (Those type of posts, not ElF members =P)
Cattie Brie: For some reason Cattie’s name really rings a bell, but going over her posts I can’t figure out why. Its possible I encountered her during my later days as a citizen of the City of the Damned. Honestly though, I’m not sure. She seemed to really enjoy fiction, and even if most of her posts made little sense to me she was friendly enough.
Chartreusé: I honestly can’t figure out who this person was. Maybe an alt of Goku? Or even one of his friends? Its worth mentioning that the username is another throwback to the YaBB SP1 days.
Chestahusamowich: Maro Goobs’ alternate login. Not sure why he thought he needed it, or what the hell the name meant. Either way he only posted four times, none of which were RP related. (More on Maro in the M section)
Christo: DEA member, outspoken member of the Brador fan-club, and unconfirmed Valen hater. Christo (as I recall) was almost always supporting Brador in whatever his latest crusade was. Be it my apparent abuse of admin powers, the incompetence of my web team, or the general shittiness of the PRC© community as a whole.
cirrus: Not a PRC© member, and not even an Ultima Online player. cirrus was in my platoon during BCT and swung over to the forums in an attempt to stay in touch.
Craftsman: Twilight Fellowship member that only made two posts. His initial post had promise, as it was an introductory post to the community, but it seems he just lost interest rather quickly. A disappointment indeed.
Cretan Lover: GM of the Drunken Pirates (RUM). Like most novel and interesting ideas, his guild and his participation died off after six or so months. I don’t know why, but pirate guilds seem to die a quick death on Pacific.
Crono Entreri: Not your typical Entreri clan member, but unfortunately one of the very few who bothered to post at the PRC©. I suspect Crono is a female, late teens or early twenties. Alot of her posts really didn’t make sense and seemed to be more at home on myspace.
Cybrdragon: GM of S&M and a very well spoken lady. I really wish Cybrdragon had posted more and been more active in the PRC©. If I had bothered to pay a little more attention I would’ve spent more time with her, helping her become more of a center piece of the PRC© and strengthening the community just by having her be active.
Aaaaaand.. That concludes the C section. Make sure to head over here next time when we get to the D section. (Which judging by the names on the list promises to be much, much juicer)
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