R.I.P. The PRC© Issue 6

by prcnetworks on January 10, 2008

Alright, I still can’t sleep and the F section looks short enough so I’m going to give this a go. I apologize if I appear to be rambling at times. Hopefully if I fall asleep at the keyboard wordpress won’t auto-post the content. As I continue on with this series I can’t help but snicker as I am told about some of the things being said behind my back. Shame on you folks, shame indeed. After almost seven years you still continue to bad-mouth me and belittle everything Dan and I did for you guys. </3 I suppose it just reinforces my decision to close the doors.

Fallon: <— This guy? Totally a cock-fag…… In a good way though! On a serious note though, I wish all ElF members were like Fallon. Sure Fallon and I have disagreed from time to time, we’ve even resorted to name calling and personal insults in irc. However I can always count on Fallon keeping an open mind, and his priorities being for the community rather then for himself or only his guild. Fallon has never said anything behind my back that he wouldn’t say to my face, and has always given me the dead-honest truth when speaking with me. A great roleplayer and a straight shooter. I’m happy to call Fallon a friend. (Even if he does prefer sausage)

Farawen: Popped in from CoRE looking for a new place to call home. I know she applied for ElF but don’t think she got in. (For reasons I’m unaware of) We haven’t heard from Farawen since 2006, which is sad because she seemed to be very motivated.

Fenix: PDM (Pirates of the Drunken Maiden) member. Much like the guild itself, Fenix posted a few times and seemed to disappear into obscurity. I’m sure I’ve said it before, but it was sad to see yet another unique and interesting guild disappear. I assume Fenix was an alternate character for an existing member of the community, but I can’t be sure.

Fenril_Mourn: Q_S and DRO member. I have fond memories of Fenril being a very active member of Qu’ellar Myrdaruk. Fenril, along with a few others are what I like to consider the core group of the guild and really went out of their way to establish DRO as a presence in the ongoing events of the PRC© community. I’m not sure what happened to Fenril, but I really do miss him.

Feral: Another user that stumbled across us from UO.com. Feral showed up looking for a guild to match his play style. Made a few spread out posts over the course of a year and ended up leaving the game. The turnover rate for people showing up fired up about UO and roleplaying is fairly high, as alot of users ended up moving to prettier games. The concept for his character was very unique, and I would’ve enjoyed roleplaying with him had I been playing at the time.

ForestofWind: Forest showed up on the forums recruiting for his new roleplaying guild R^W (Rangers of the Wind). I assume he ended up not finding enough members and abandoned the idea, because after a month we didn’t hear from him again.

Fox Entreri: Like many of the Entreri clan during Nadir’s attempt to reboot his guild, Fox disappeared after a few posts. Which is sad, because as I recall Fox was one of the original Entreri members. The few posts he made were all in character, and infinitely easier to understand then some of the other Entreri clan members posts.

Friar Seth: Seth was one of our earlier members, and was very proactive in his actions inside the PRC©. He attended meetings, he was vocal in irc, and very active in game. A member of OSW (Not to be confused with OWE or OTW) Seth’s presence in the PRC© was deeply missed after he disappeared.

Alright, and that is the F section. Off to bed for me, I’m finally tired.

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