You never know.

by prcnetworks on June 30, 2008

Someone said something the other day. Something about me accepting resposibility and learning from said experiences. It led me to a bit of an epiphany:

Forgiveness is circular. You can say you understand that again, and again, and again but you never truly understand it until you are in the seat of the one looking for forgiveness. Its so easy to ask forgiveness from people you have wronged, but how can you ask such a thing while you yourself hold on to “grudges” ( for lack of a better term) of previous trespasses upon yourself?

I’m not saying be an idiot and continue to allow yourself to be used and/or abused, but when the time comes that someone who has wronged you comes to you seeking honest heartfelt forgiveness.. For your own good, don’t turn them away with a cold shoulder. You never know when you could be that person.



After all, we’re all human.

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